
Rates increasingly close to pre-pandemic levels

Drewry, spot rates down again this week

by Port News Editorial Staff

This week, the Drewry World Container Index, which monitors container freight rates on the eight major routes to and from the US, Europe and Asia, fell 2.7% to $1,494.46/FEU.

The index is now 78.9% below the level of the same period in 2022 and 86% below the $10,377 (9,563 euros) record in September 2021. It is also 44% below the $2,688 average of the last ten years.

However, rates remain slightly higher, (+ 5%), than 2019.

Transport tariffs between Rotterdam and New York plunged 17% to $2,670 per FEU while those on the Shanghai-Los Angeles route dropped a further 4% to $1,581 per FEU compared to the previous week; the lowest figure since May 2020.

Freight rates on the Shanghai-Rotterdam route were unchanged from the previous week, at $1,313 per FEU, while freight rates on the Shanghai-Genoa route were down 2%, to $2,034 per FEU.

Shanghai-New York rates  fell by 1%, to $2,508 per FEU. On the other hand, Rotterdam-Shanghai rates were up by 1%, to $575 per FEU.

New York-Rotterdam shipping rates were the same as the previous week.

Translation by Giles Foster

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