
Container freight rate trend

Spot rates down 3.4 % this week

by Port News Editorial Staff

This week, the Drewry World Container Index, which monitors box freight rates on the eight major routes to and from the US, Europe and Asia, fell 3.4% to $1,680.7/FEU.

The index is now 68.8% below the same week last year. It is also 37% below the average of the past ten years, i.e.  $2,688. However, rates remain 18% higher than in 2019.

Tariffs between Shanghai and Rotterdam fell by 10%, to $1,449 per FEU while Shanghai-Genoa rates  fell by 7%, to $1,888 per FEU.

New York – Rotterdam and Shanghai – New York  rates were down respectively by 2% and 1%, to $739 and $3398 per FEU.

Shanghai – Los Angeles tariffs were up  by 2%, to $2,254 per FEU. Spot rates on the Los Angeles – Shanghai and Rotterdam – New York trade lanes remained the same as the previous week.

Translation by Giles Foster

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