
Port Authority-Municipality port development MOU

A boating facility for Rio Marina

by Port News Editorial Staff

Setting up  a leisure  port infrastructure intended for recreational boating in the port of Rio Marina; the objective of the Memorandum Of Understanding signed yesterday by the mayor, Marco Corsini, and the president of the North Tyrrhenian Port Network Authority,  Luciano Guerrieri.

A strategic agreement that involves the two institutions working in tandem on a project that encompasses both the harbour  and onshore areas overlooking the port (under the Port Authority’s jurisdiction) and the city-owned premises which look out onto the quay (the so-called “Voltoni”).

In the Memorandum, the Port Network Authority and the municipality have defined the administrative process for individuating  a private sector economic operator to be entrusted with the construction and management of the new facility.

In particular, the Port Authority has authorized the municipality to manage the call for tenders, using the project finance institution. However, the municipality will be required to get the Port Network Authority’s  opinion on all acts and tender documents pertaining to state-owned, maritime and safety aspects.

“The municipality and Port Authority pinpoint collaboration as the key to interpreting and designing the future of the port of Rio Marina,” said Port Network Authority managing director, Matteo Paroli.

“The common goal,” Mr. Paroli continued, “is clear and well-defined: to introduce and specify roles and tasks as part of a project that aims to improve the quality of how the port area is used, upgrading its facilities and improving its appeal to tourists.”

The mayor, Marco Corsini expressed his satisfaction: “The peculiarity of the port of Rio Marina is that is has  two ‘bosses’ . For there to be any development in the best interest of our country they have to get on well and agree on things.” he said. “And this is what is happening in Rio. Collaboration, sharing, unity of purpose and vision. When it happens like this, the public administration projects a good image of itself  and the community can only benefit.”

Translation by Giles Foster

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