
New synergies between the N. Tyrrhenian ports & Regional Administration

Tuscany, a brand worth betting on

by Port News Editorial Staff

A framework agreement aimed at enhancing nautical, yachting and cruise tourism was signed this afternoon by Luciano Guerrieri, president of the North Tyrrhenian Port Network Authority, and Francesco Tapinassi, director of  Toscana Promozione Turistica, Tuscany Regional Administration’s in-house company whose objectives include promoting the region’s tourist attractions in national and international markets.

In particular, the Port Network Authority (PNA) and the Regional Agency are committed to creating new synergies in tourism promotion services, defining common strategies for taking part in exhibitions, fairs and shows.

“This is an important, valuable initiative,” said Luciano Guerrieri, this afternoon in a meeting to present the agreement, which was attended by port community operators and stakeholders. ‘The agreement,” he adds, “stems from the need to further consolidate the cooperative relationship this administration has had with Tuscany Regional Administration for years, with Councillor Leonardo Marras as one of its top promotors.”

According to Mr. Tapinassi, this is a strictly practical agreement with the Tuscany brand as the main attraction: “We are lucky to operate under the umbrella of a brand that is recognized and appreciated internationally, ”he says; “Our aim is to exploit this competitive advantage to make the most of our ports and to bring new wealth to the area by attracting more tourists. The agreement has very solid foundations and I have no doubt we will see its first results soon.”

The PNA’s senior promotion manager, Claudio Capuano, who has been following the initiative step by step, promoting the need to harmonize tourism promotion activities in the area, expressed his satisfaction: “From today we will be able to organize our promotion initiatives with even greater synergy than in the past. Having Tuscany Regional Administration with us when we go to promote our ports abroad is a winning card we have to make the most of.”

Translation by Giles Foster

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